Exploring the History of
Join Us
The History of Kirkby Group meet on the 3rd Monday of every month (except August and December) in the Kirkby Community Centre at 7.30 p.m. The content of these meetings being advertised in the parish magazine the ‘Kirkby Caller’, and in the Kirkby-in-Furness Villagers facebook group.
Picture Gallery
Look at some of the historic images of Kirkby. If you have any contributions for our Picture Gallery please get in touch.
The Fallen of Kirkby
The war memorial in St Cuthbert’s churchyard, Kirkby-in-Furness, carries the names of 30 men of the village who died for their country – 23 in the First World War and 7 in the Second.
Kirkby war memorial was unveiled by the Mayor of Barrow, Colonel Wadham, accompanied by the Mayoress and by Miss Wadham, on Easter Sunday, 1920.
The History of Kirkby Group have researched and memorialised the fallen in memory of these men, and other men with connections to Kirkby who died in war but are not named on our memorial.
Current Research
Please have a look at the projects the History of Kirkby Group are currently working on. If you have any information that would help any projects please get in touch with editor@history-of-kirkby.org
For all enquiries please contact the webmaster